Sunday, September 12, 2010

Also, Rev. Roger Christie is in the fed as well,

You can write both: 
Roger Christie
Federal Bureau of Prisons
Unit 6A
PO Box 30080
Honolulu, Hi 96820

Marc Scott Emery
Unit DB
PO Box 139000
FDC Seatac
Seatle, WA 98198-1090 USA

 Matt S wrote:
We knew it was coming but it's still a sad commentary on the state of things.

 -=[) ::::::: MindVox  ::::::: (]=-


  1. Marc Emery (a political prisoner) payed taxes on his seed mailing order business,

    Rev. Roger Christie, a former U.S. intelligence operative who became a minister after finding his intelligence activities unethical has been arrested, despite the governor of Hawaii, the city council and the mayor's approval for his sanctuary. Is freedom of religion a right? Is the pursuit of happiness a right?

    Why does the 'data information act' not apply?

    Original drafts of the Constitution were written on hemp paper, what is next, a raid on the museum that houses the drafts to the U.S. Constitution?

    Former DEA and Police have joined a group called law enforcement against prohibition (, saying "when I arrest a murderer or rapist, that's one less murder or rape. When I arrested a drug dealer, I knew all I did was create a job opening."

    Even the mainstream media (the McLaughlin Group) on 9/12/10 says:
    -Martin Walker: Former President of Mexico Vicente Fox says "it's time to legalize drugs"; the war on drugs is a failure
    -Pat Buchanon replied: Mexico will not gain control [over Mexican drug cartels] until what Martin says happens, but that isn't going to happen
    -Eleanor Cleft replied: 'the insurgency' is generally political which is about greed, and they won't get control until they regulate and legalize drugs

    But this issue is whitewashed in the mainstream media, I hope you have the courage to print some ink on this so-called "war on drugs", a war designed not to succeed.

  2. I think you mean data quality act, not data information act; although the act is also known as the information quality act.
