Thursday, September 9, 2010


Sign me up. :)


"All evolution in thought and conduct must at first appear as heresy and misconduct."
George Bernard Shaw 

Re: Meet Neill Franklin, LEAP's New Executive Director

Jack A. Cole,
Chairman of the Board
Like most folks, I just sort of fell into things. It was my time, so I joined the Marines, after which I joined the New Jersey State Police where I served for 26 years. I was told to be a narc, so I spent over a decade working undercover. I passively accepted my role in the drug war just as the rest of the country accepted the war itself.

But it didn't last. What I experienced was disillusioning, disturbing. I began to deeply question what I was doing, even as I kept doing it.

Once retired, I acted on my personal questioning and transformation, and along with four other cops, we created Law Enforcement Against Prohibition. Just five of us, encouraged by a few brave allies, giving voice to those who fought on the frontlines and had the best chance to counter the poisonous misinformation and hysteria that fueled the drug war.

I can hardly believe that in less than eight years, LEAP has grown into a professionally staffed, internationally recognized organization with some 30,000 supporters and 100 speakers in 76 countries who have given over 5,000 presentations. It seems impossible, but it wasn't, because of the rapidly disintegrating wall of self-justification that surrounds the drug war, a political sea change LEAP helped to create.

Unique, gutsy  and improbable, LEAP is actively supporting local drug policy reforms, developing a cops and clergy alliance, and making significant outreach to communities disproportionately impacted by the drug war yet underrepresented in drug policy reform.

This is simply made possible by contributions from people like you - folks who let us know every day that we are not alone.

Neill Franklin,
Executive Director
And now, proudly, LEAP is undergoing a transformation in its leadership, as I step down and welcome our new executive director, Neill Franklin, a retired 33-year veteran of the Maryland police with extensive non-profit management and board experience.

I am blessed to introduce Neill - he has the vision, credibility and passion to lead us and the drug policy movement into the next, more ambitious phase of ending this destructive, wasteful policy.

Please give as generously as you can - your donation today will support LEAP and send Neill the message - as five cops who had had enough learned eight years ago - that he is not alone.

Thank you,

Jack A. Cole
Chairman of the Board

Law Enforcement Against Prohibition


Your donation puts LEAP speakers in front of audiences. To support LEAP's work by making a contribution, please click here.


121 Mystic Ave. Suites 8&9
Medford, MA 01255
(781) 393-6985

You received this e-mail because you are a supporter of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition.   We need help growing our all-encompassing movement of citizens who want to end the failed "war on drugs," so please invite your family and friends to learn about LEAP.


What is the tea party's stance on the patriot acts and DoD's budget?

What are the tea party patriots view on putting the legalization of marijuana on the Texas ballot to vote and let voters decide, instead of K-street money making policy? cheers;

Patents in other countries

From: "РГКП \"Национальный институт интеллектуальной собственности\"" <>

To your question concerning quantum computing “assign each neutrino transition state a digit” and about if patent could be issued for the therapeutic use of cannabis with host number №0567 from 28.07.2010 we inform you that for ascertainment and supplying this information you need file the request for carrying out an applicable search. In this issue you can address your request to the Branch of the “Patent legal consulting center” of the State Enterprise “National Institute of Intellectual Property” by follow address: 050002, Almaty,  6, Rishat and Mouslim Abdoullins’ Str., pav.  1.   e-mail: <>,  tel. 8 (727)  397  74  60,   39  75 23.

*Head of examination of inventions, *

*useful models and selection achievement Service. *


Re: [DrugWar] Sheriffs want lists of patients using painkillers

They arrested my doctor already (totally set her up), I guess the patients are next.

On Thu, Sep 9, 2010 at 5:31 PM, Matt S  wrote:

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Acoustic Startle Response in Noctuid Moths (Audition)    Citation Classic

Jamming Avoidance in the Weakly Electric Fish Eigenmannia virescens(Electrosense)    Citation Classic

Pheromone Searching in the Oriental Silkworm Moth Bombyx mori(Chemosense)    Citation Classic

Echolocation in the Bat (Audition)

Sound Localization in the Barn Owl, Tyto alba (Audition)    Citation Classic

Prey Capture in the Mottled Sculpin    Citation Classic

Magnetic information in animal orientation    Citation Classic

The fly ear: From miniature physical phase differences to sizable neuronal time delays    Citation Classic

Coding of time differences in auditory systems: Coincidence detection and inhibitory mechanisms    Citation Classic   SOON TO COME!

Grasshopper acoustic communication: Innate Releasing Mechanism and Fixed Action Pattern    Citation Classic   SOON TO COME!

Olfactory network dynamics in insects    Citation Classic   SOON TO COME!

Digestion in the Spiny Lobster Panulirus interruptus    Citation Classic

Escape Behavior in the American Cockroach Periplaneta americana    Citation Classic

Prey Capture in the Leopard Frog Rana Pipiens

Swimming in the Medicinal Leech Hirudo medicinalis

Swimming in the Sea Lamprey Petromyzon marinus    Citation Classic

Walking in the American Cockroach Periplaneta americana    Citation Classic

Division of Labor in the Honey Bee, Apis mellifera

Hormonal control of the EOD in the Weakly Electric Fish

Molting in the Tobacco Hornworm, Manduca sexta     Citation Classic

Aggressive Display and Territorial Fighting in the Green Anole Anolis carolinensis

Food Caching in the Black-Capped Chickadee Parus atricapillus     Citation Classic   Partial translation of Citation Classic from the original Russian

Song Learning in the Zebra Finch Taeniopygia guttata

Spatial Learning in Navigation


 Dr. James C. Munch

 Anslinger Science

 What method of growth (specifically with terpene consideration) would make a good harvest for research with testing hypothesis objectives of a certain breed for use for neural protection, seizures, and/or use (perhaps in concert with kava) for tapering off of benzo's?

 And are their any studies that consider the breed of cannabis in their hypothesis testing?

 Since the US supreme court ruled that GE could patent "anything made under the sun" during the other oil spill, are their any countries in the world where genetically modified cannabis could be patented for use for addiction to tobacco smoking?