Monday, September 20, 2010

show us the blessings in this situation

Greetings of aloha to you!  I hope this finds you in the best of spirits, or helps to put you there.

Happy autumn equinox, one of the two perfectly balanced times of the year with equal day and night.  And it just so happens to be the 10th Anniversary of the THC Ministry.  September 20, 2000 – September 20, 2010!

I'm doing well, probably even better than can be expected.  Thanks for asking.  Although I'm temporarily incarcerated and held without bail by the U.S. government for practicing our religion, my blessings far exceed my bummers.  The treatment here is 'humane' and often surprisingly respectful.  There is aloha to be found and to be shared inside and outside of prison bars.  And yes, I want to be released as soon as possible, too!  I'm still a happy and grateful guy with love in my heart and meaningful work to do on this beautiful, troubled and promising planet Earth.  And I'm learning a few important lessons.

One of my biggest blessings is that I have the love and support of a terrific woman, Share St. Cyr, who's in Hilo keeping our home going smoothly while she's also a defendant in our case of the "Green Fourteen".  Please take a moment and say "a prayer for Share" as she's much busier now than I am, keeping both of our lives together.  And give her a hug if you get the chance!

I'd also like to request a prayer for the other twelve defendants.  Some of you know them, most of you don't, but they are all good-hearted, well-meaning people who deserve to win the charges against them and be free.  Mahalo.

I think my hubris led to my nemesis; my pride led to my temporary downfall.  The Greeks knew the lesson well and I needed to re-learn it.  God, that's great.  To the best of my ability I take 100% responsibility for my life.  There is no one to blame.  I must, and do, look in the mirror to pose my most important questions, and to find my most important answers.  And so it is.

I'm one of the luckiest inmates I can imagine, with thousands of supporters online (mahalo to each of you) and a few key friends and helpers working behind the scenes (you know who you are).  We also have one of the best legal cases I know of to advance the cause of religious freedom for Cannabis spirituality in the one country in the world that was founded on religious freedom.  "In God we trust."  Amen.  Thanks to everyone who has sent mail to me, and/or made a donation to our cause.  We will continue to work and fight passionately for Cannabis liberty until our goals are fully met.

Just as there was a 'last witch trial' hundreds of years ago, so too, there will be a 'last marijuana trial', and I/we intend, pray and volunteer to be it.  Imagine!  The l-a-s-t one ever.  When the pendelum of persecution goes too far, balance will naturally become restored.  We all know that this is the time for prohibition to end and Cannabis liberty to flower in all its glory.


Medical use of Cannabis is expanding at a fast rate with studies proving cancer prevention, tumor reduction, pain relief, cell regeneration and much more available to be referenced online by any computer.  The US government has had a patent since 2007 for a process to make marijuana into medicine at the same time they deny that it has any medical value.  How long can that hypocracy last?  Even the Veterans Administration now officially recognizes marijuana medicine in states that legally allow it!  That's a very big and significant shift in policy as some of the Cannabis cats just got out of the government's bag.  Rescheduling, or re-classifying marijuana as medicine by the federal government is fast approaching as science and public demand overcome false old myths and self-serving propaganda.

Developments like this cheer me up!  Even with little fresh food, zero fresh air, zero sunshine and being locked in a federal detention center, I'm full of positivity and gratitude.  The history of spiritual use of Cannabis is easy to find on < > and many other websites, including our own < >.

Formerly prohibited spiritual sacraments have been legally allowed in US courts, one by one, through the long, hard and courageous work of many well-deserving proponents. Cannabis is next!  In our opinion, since Cannabis clearly has recognized medical value it certainly MUST have the Constitutional protection of a First Amendment sacramental practice because of its long esteemed history, even in nations without our guarantee of religious freedom.  But it must be won.  Our case gets to prove this point for the first time in US history.  God, that's great!  It makes this inconvenience and stress worth it for me, and hopefully for you.

Running the THC Ministry from the oceanfront at the Moses Building in Hilo for the last six years has been a joy and an honor for me.  Now we have the opportunity to take our mission and our methods into a federal court of the world's superpower to obtain long sought after legitimacy.  It's an honor and a timely blessing to do so.  We hope to say, "Holy Moses, we WON!"

I would also like to extend my sincere apology to any of you who I have disappointed or let-down over these last ten years.  My strengths and my weaknesses have been revealed to me, and possibly to you, during this time.  I intended to return every phone call, email and cry for help.  If I failed you in any way, please forgive me.  I did the best I could at the time.

What can you do to help?  Thanks for asking!  Get educated about our case.  Bless this situation and look for the good within it.  Make a cash donation on the website, < >, buy a t-shirt, or two.  Support the Cannabis Charity and Education Defense Fund.  Send me a letter telling me what the THC Ministry has meant to you over these last ten years.  Volunteer to be a witness at our trial.  Write a letter of support "To Whom it May Concern" addressed to my Public Defender in Honolulu for my next Motion for release on bail.  Register and vote in your area; it's a precious right that makes a difference.  Have a photo taken of you wearing one of our t-shirts and send it to us.  Lastly; intend and pray for a real miracle to end this indictment in victory with certainty and positivity – before trial.  The once and future 'tree of life', the sacrament of the peace culture, can use your help.  Mahalo.

God, that's great!  Please show us the blessings in this situation … and hurry!  We are safe, we are loved and all is well.

All the very best to you and yours!

With much love, gratitude and respect,

Roger Christie, Founder
THC Ministry

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