Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Re: Federal Lawyer/international lawyer?

  Their is a parental element, a "methadone addicted baby" is due very soon; I am trying to obtain legal representation in order to get the child Adopted from the United States to the Netherlands, hopefully with Political Asylum in the .nl (Netherlands).  
  The schools are better there, indica-sativa tourism, and if needed, a more dignified approach to Methadone Maintenance.    

You asked about being "dosed by Marc Emery";  Marc(a politician/activist&uninitiated Bwiti/SofT) gave me a dose of Iboga extract (legal in Canada) as well as another dose of Ibogaine HCL (also legal in Canada) (see: PSY 450; lambarene )  Marc also wired me money to take Grayhound to Austin, TX  to film Kucinich (D) being asked if he supported legalization; U.S. marijuana party.  Iboga Therapy House was part of Marc's 'philanthropic actions'; it was a practice for a 'Clinical Trial' to define: REHAB.  As far as I'm aware, Marc payed all jurisdictions of Taxes on his sales, as most dispensaries in America paid their taxes. 

I have contacted speakers for character witness thus far, they said they can do so, but not by representing l.e.a.p.

I have also contacted the ACLU.

I have requested Political Asylum in the Netherlands a few years ago
I have not yet been charged with "a crime"; yes I would like legal council with someone working in 'harm reduction' i.e. someone to help relocate/adopt/protect the child.

  I hope Sara Glatt could take him in, but I have been unable to reach her.  

Thanks Keith for your time,
Jason Bursey

On Fri, Nov 7, 2014 at 9:54 AM, Keith Stroup <> wrote:

I am not sure what help you are looking for. Could you please be more specific? Also, I did not understand the reference you made to being dosed by Mark Emery.

Have you been charged with a crime and need a good criminal lawyer? What do you need in the way of a character witness? Generally a character witness is someone who is called to testify at trial to the good character of the defendant.

Please advise.

Sent from iCloud  Keith Stroup  NORML Legal Counsel

On Nov 06, 2014, at 02:05 PM, Jason Bursey <> wrote:

Dear Keith,et all,

  I was dosed by Marc Emery (the politician) with an experimental substance in Canada.  I am not a politician, nor would I like to be in a clinical trial of any kind.

  Are you aware of any legal representation or at minimum a character witness?

  I have already contacted l.e.a.p. ( to see if a speaker might be available as well.

  Thank you & congratulations on your 2014 victories,
Jason Bursey 

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