Saturday, September 8, 2012

SimWorld, electric cars, highway projects in developing nations, artificial muscle twitches & lambarene

> a beta ray collection device (similar to a solar panel) for nuclear spent fuel
> dry cask designs (container) collects electrons to send electricity through metal rods in
> highways. Cars have a device on the front of the vehicle and a magnet
> on the back, the one at the front is a sensor to let the highway know
> that a piggyback request is their, the second device (the magnet) is
> used to use the electromagnetic pulse to propel the vehicle; in the
> same way moving a negative to negative or positive to positive magnet
> under and above a table is done.
> Such a large scale project would help create jobs in the current
> economic conditions, help foster investment in smart development by
> countries who like china who are investing in countries like Africa.
> What is the political capital on such an idea and what think tanks
> would have to be force fed multidisciplinary etiquette?
> Jason Bursey (c)
>sum idea generating collection of Lambarene altered DNA

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