Saturday, December 29, 2012

Re: Help us prepare for victory in 2013/ ASA invite leap speakers ( on Feb 22?


Has ASA considered a "relocation program" to help people with
chronic illnesses relocate to a state that has voted medical and/or
recreational laws for cannabis. For example, most people with a
chronic illness who are on Social Security make just under $800 a
month... organizing housing (roommates to split the rent to make it
(housing) affordable etc). I think this would be a great program for
people who live in states where access to a reliable safe medical
grade strand (an indica for kindled seizures for example).

Also, I am forwarding this to leap to make sure they know about your
push in the fed jurisdiction, as the message (facts/science) becomes
more about the message (facts/science) when they are the ones
presenting and have done a very good job of finding individuals who
can give clear facts on the reasons this issue is very important.

I would love to see ASA and LEAP have a "pamplet" on their web site
for anyone willing to print out and pass out the information to

On 12/28/12, Steph Sherer, Americans for Safe Access
<> wrote:
> Dear Jason,

> *I know that, if we can pool our resources, we can change federal law. *We
> start 2013 with a President in his second term, a more sympathetic Congress,
> and 106 million Americans living in states with medical cannabis laws.

are going to greet our federal elected officials in 2013 with the largest
gathering of medical cannabis advocates ever seen in Washington, DC, at our
Bridging the Gap Between Public and Policy Conference [ ]

> Also in 2013, we will hear from the courts on our rescheduling lawsuit, we
> will be working on new legislation in a dozen states, we will be preparing
> for initiatives in 2014 in Arkansas and California (to name a few), we will
> be working with current medical cannabis states on passing access laws and
> implementing new laws, and all of this while we continue to provide free
> legal support and other resources for patients and providers.
> *Let's play to win in 2013! We need your help to make that happen. *
> MedBox, Inc.
> Sincerely,
> Steph Sherer
> Executive Director

[ ]

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